6 thoughts on “PHDinMeBlog- Wordless Wednesday/Darkest Sunset

    1. That’s an EXCELLENT question! I wondered if I should give the pictures titles or not. What are your thoughts on it? I am not a big fan of abstract art, preferring direct and clear expressions, so I think that is why I decided to use the titles. My eldest daughter agreed, saying few if any would have had a clue about Darkest Sunset. I think not knowing takes away from the meaning but I suppose one who is into abstract, likes to find meaning through imagination.
      Thanks for asking that question because I wondered! You always point of great things! Light and Love, Shona

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  1. Shona, my daughter does “Silent Sunday”. She, goes literally with the concept and simply posts a picture. Then if someone asks what it is, it can be answered as comments.
    Several friends also do “Wordless Wednesday” and most apply that literally too. But, hey, its your site, so if you want to label it, you should go ahead and do so 😉
    Peace, Ken xo

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